Tuesday, July 29, 2014

#ChSocM (Church Social Media) Chat Transcript: Branding, Love and Care of Communications Ministers, and more!

We followed up on key topics discussed
during this week's Church Marketing Sucks 
hangout. Here's the video.

This week's chat moderated by Neal Fischer (@nealffischer)

T1: Every Church has a brand (planned or not). Do you have a plan/guide for branding? (Logo, Font, Style Sheet, Color)
T1A: If you have some form of shareable/written form of plan/guide for your ministry, how does it get shared/used?
T2: How do we reduce noise and share announcements without half of them being ignored?
T3: You are the communicator for your Church. Do you just disseminate info or do you help shape what gets shared?
T3A: How do we help the Church understand communications ministry and ministers are as important as youth pastors/other ministries?
T3B: How do we show our value and build relationships with those we serve?
T4: What are some ways we can take a Sabbath?
T4A: We often work alone, so how do we keep from feeling alone, overworked, and underappreciated?
T4B: How do we make the work we do sustainable so that it doesn't overwhelm us?
T4C: If you do have help/volunteers, which tools help you keep your team organized?

Graphic created by Chuck Scoggins (@chuckscoggins)

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