Sunday, September 15, 2013

Church Social Media Chat Prep: Personality Type Revisited

A little over a year ago, a tweet from @meredithgould inspired me to think about personality type relative to how we approach social media. 

Her assertion that, “Social media seems to work well for introverts” matched my experience as a Meyers-Briggs INFJ (Introvert with Intuitive, Feeling, Judging tendencies) and also HSP (Highly Sensitive Person, easily overstimulated by the environment), and I thought it’d be worthwhile to examine with the #chsocm community. 

Happily, in the year since we explored the topic in our chat, we've welcomed more voices to the #chsocm conversation, so let’s revisit this topic!
Here are some questions to ponder before our chat on Tuesday, 9/17 at 9PM ET:
  • Do you know your Meyers-Briggs Personality Type? (If not, you can take a limited but quick quiz to get a general idea here.) 
  • Do you use any specific strategies or tools to help social media fit your personality? 
  • Does social media allow you to connect to people or information you might not otherwise engage because of your personality type?
  • How might social media allow us to better serve persons who identify with different personality types?

And finally, the most important question of all: Is this infographic accurate?

(You can read the original chat transcript here.)

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