Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Church Social Media (#ChSocM) Chat: Stories and Storytelling

Faith is share through stories lived and told.
Tonight we chatted about storytelling and church social media.

CRAP! It's not you. 
The CoverItLive transcript didn't load!
h/t to @KellyDouglas for delivering this news to @meredithgould

The topics:
T1: How do/could you employ the use of storytelling in #chsocm?
T2: What timely stories/news have you/could incorporated into your social media engagement?
T3: What news stories do you generally stay away from in your #chsocm communication? Why?
T4: What are the limits of storytelling through social media?
T4a: How can we overcome/address these limits?

This week's chat moderated by Alan Rudnick (@alanrud)

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