Monday, December 19, 2011

QOTD (Quote of the Day)

Some wisdom about the Digital Divide from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. These comments, part of the Social-Networking Protocols issued by the Catholic Church in Australia, transcend denomination:

While the gifts of social networking are vast, it is important to remember in our engagement that the digital world is not exclusive. Social networking should never replace real relationships with people, and particularly in a ministry context, efforts should be made to avoid simply digital relationships.

This is also important in the sense of retaining the Church’s focus on the poor. The majority of the world still cannot afford a computer, many have little access to educational possibilities and as such struggle with literacy; or perhaps they live in remote areas with limited access to technology. Hearing others talk about their social networking experiences can be profoundly isolating for those unable to take part.

─ The Bishops Commission for Mission and Faith Formation (Australian Catholic Bishops Conference)

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